Buyer's Guide

MFA-Powered Microsegmentation For Healthcare

Healthcare organizations must protect patient data needs — including sensitive PHI. But with the systematic neglect of cybersecurity within the industry, it’s no surprise ransomware incidents have doubled in frequency in the past 5 years. In January 2023 alone, 40 healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records were reported to the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights.

While HIPAA-regulated entities do not often disclose the exact nature of their hacking incidents, cyberattacks — even when they don’t make the news — follow the same basic plot. It almost always starts with machine compromise, followed by recon, exploitation of a vulnerability and then a host of other tactics to move laterally and cause damage.

Luckily, this order of operations relies on a single basic assumption: the compromised machine will have direct network line of sight to other machines that the attacker can damage and steal information from. In other words, to stop attacks we need to stop lateral movement. This is where MFA-powered microsegmentation comes in.

Zero Networks makes MFA-everywhere easy and scalable. From ease of deployment to integration with existing IT systems, Zero Networks is your one-stop solution to stay compliant with cybersecurity regulations — including MFA-everywhere — while successfully and effectively keeping your organization safe from attackers.

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